Carbon Sequestration

Storing carbon dioxide (CO2) in forests, oceans, or underground geological formations to slow down or prevent the buildup of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. The process aims to counteract the increase in greenhouse gas emissions Greenhouse Gas (GHG) EmissionsGases that trap infrared rays in the atmosphere, contributing to global heating. Examples include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous…Read on اقرأ المزيد – the main contributor to global heating Global HeatingThe increase in average global temperatures, which has been primarily driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions since the start of…Read on اقرأ المزيد .

Sequestration can occur naturally in carbon sinks such as forests and oceans. It is also possible through geological and biological methods. Biological methods include afforestation and carbon farming, whereas geological methods include carbon capture and storage (CCS) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)CCS was first commercialized in the 1970s, but it was called “enhanced oil recovery” because oil corporations pumped the captured…Read on اقرأ المزيد , in which carbon is stored in deep geological deposits.

Proponents of carbon sequestration argue that it could mitigate the sharp increase in CO2 emissions and therefore prevent the danger of run-away climate change Run-Away Climate ChangeRun-away climate change is already possible under current levels of global warming. However, beyond certain tipping points, namely the 1.5-2°C…Read on اقرأ المزيد . However, applying sequestration technologies on a large scale is still expensive and inefficient, with 90% of captured carbon from CCS reused to extract more fossil fuels Fossil FuelRefers to energy materials extracted from the earth and used for burning. The three main fossil fuels are oil, fossil…Read on اقرأ المزيد . Carbon sequestration – when used as offsets – also gives incentives to polluters to continue doing business as usual without committing to real solutions.

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