Casualties and economic damages due to human made climate change. Measuring the exact deaths and damages projected per fossil fuel project can be done using scientific methods, such as the Social Cost of Carbon (417 USD per ton of CO2) and the Mortality Cost of Carbon (1 death per 4434 tons of CO2). The UNFCCC The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is a treaty signed in 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit…Read on اقرأ المزيد has attempted to establish a mechanism for what is termed loss and damage Loss and DamageLoss and damage refers to the unavoidable impacts of global heating that are beyond countries’ adaptation capabilities, including extreme weather…Read on اقرأ المزيد , but it is far from being effective at dealing with the issue of climate impacts, which are of a huge scale.